Warner Pond 1 scaled
Warner Pond

Letter: Explore options for Warner’s Pond

March 2, 2023

There are a few options to making Warner’s Pond a better resource for the community. Some of these have been proposed that have not been publicly exposed. As an abutter to the pond for over 30 years, I see three options. I would welcome discussion of others if they exist.

  1. Eliminate the dam at Commonwealth Avenue.
  2. Leave the dam in place.
  3. Change the dam to allow periodic draining of the pond.

As I see it the results of these options are:

  1. Eliminate the dam: Warner’s Pond becomes Warner’s meadow with wetlands similar to the area next to the Acton playing fields next to route 2. My observation is that the area is inhospitable to people walking, fishing or trying to enjoy an evening sunset. In addition, there is no significant opportunity to kayak, canoe, fish, or ice fish.
  2. Leave the dam in place: Leave the pond as it is and periodically dredge at great expense, the vegetation reappears within a few years and is dredged again. The pond fills with decaying plant life adding to the nutrients flowing in from the large watershed that feeds the pond. Ultimately the pond will fill in and become a marsh.
  3. Periodically drain the pond: Change the dam so that annually or every five or ten years the pond could be drained, allowed to dry out and then be “bulldozed” to remove the now dried “muck.” The “muck” could perhaps be sold as nutrient rich soil for landscaping and the pond could be refilled by closing the gates for the dam. The cleared pond could then again be used for recreation including perhaps swimming as it was 50 or more years ago.

George Tisdale 

Commonwealth Avenue