Letter: Committee has sought to clarify parade criteria

April 13, 2023

The past several issues of The Bridge have contained letters addressing how the Public Ceremonies and Celebrations Committee has made decisions on the composition of the Patriots’ Day parade. As chair of that committee, I want to thank those writers for their thoughtful remarks. I also wish to assure them and Concord’s residents that the committee is doing its best to represent the expectations of the town and to carry forward and celebrate the events of April 19, 1775 which have long been central to Concord’s identity. 

This year, with the help of our Select Board liaison, we made an effort to develop more numerous and clearer criteria in an attempt to steward and grow what has made the Patriots’ Day parade such an enduring institution. Perhaps our attempt was not perfect on the first try. However, after several years of restricted public activity and one year of bad weather leading to cancellation, the parade this year will feature 40 marching units that range from public school children to the US Navy Band, together with the Concord Minutemen, the Concord Independent Battery, and marchers who will be both familiar and new to the public. 

We hope that everyone will turn out on April 17 to enjoy our Patriots’ Day parade. See you there. 

Susan McCrory 

Chair, Concord Public Ceremonies & Celebrations Committee