Letter: Support Article 10, Article 21, new neighbors

April 13, 2023

Article 10 of the Annual Town Meeting Warrant is to assist the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Commission in its request for a full time director.

The original warrant article, which asks for the hire to be expedited, has been modified. The Motion will now simply ask the Select Board to prioritize collaboration with the DEI Commission towards the hiring of the DEI director. This process would naturally include ongoing discussions, negotiations, and education.

There is no timeline requirement and no immediate ask for expenditures. 

Please plan to attend the DEI Commission’s virtual forum on April 19th. Please vote to support Article 10 at Town Meeting on April 30, starting at 1 p.m. This is the least we can do!

Article 21 for the solar expansion at the new Middle School is another win-win situation. It’s a wonderful way to increase our solar capacity without destroying any forested or naturally sensitive areas. We need to remember that climate change is not only about alternative energy, but also about minimizing continued disturbance of nature.

Finally, when referring to the new Best Western residents, we should not use the term “homeless.” “Unhoused” is the more accurate word for those without shelter, except that even that is no longer the case for our new neighbors.

Tanya B. Gailus

Prescott Road