TriCon PIC

TriCon teens return from mission with stories to tell

April 27, 2023

A group of high school students will be leading the 10 a.m. worship service at Trinitarian Congregational Church on Sunday to talk about their recent mission to a Navajo Nation reservation, where they restored homes as part of their service project.

The youth program spends a week a year on a mission-oriented service project. This past week, 48 high-schoolers and seven adult leaders, in partnership with Experience Mission, traveled to Black Mesa, Arizona.  

The students will reflect on their experience and special music will be provided by Sawyer Lawson, a member at TriCon, a Mission Trip alumni himself, and a professional musician.

TriCon Church strives to support youth growth and exposure to different cultures and demographics. The history of these trips, which began in the 1980s, is rooted in creating young adults whose foundation includes a paying it forward outlook on life, hoping that the experiences they have through this program fosters as adults the desire to give back and to support others, especially those who may be different from us or who may be less fortunate in circumstances.