Letter: CPCCC apologizes for Meriam’s Corner remarks

May 4, 2023

The CPCCC follows a well scripted program for our events, and for the preparations beforehand. When seeking a member of the clergy or religious leader to officiate at a public function, the Committee reaches out to a variety of houses of worship in Concord to ask if someone is available to offer an invocation and benediction. 

For the Meriam’s Corner exercise, the Committee approached five different religious organizations in the weeks, then days, preceding the ceremony. No one was available. We pursued all leads through Friday afternoon, April 7, when we learned that Reverend Steven Craft of Liberty Church, Lexington, could participate. 

We never have asked to review in advance a clergy member’s remarks, nor had to. We understand that some members of the public were offended by them. That was not the CPCCC’s intention, and we apologize.


Concord Public Ceremonies & Celebrations Committee