Letter: Support new food service permit

May 4, 2023

I am writing to call your attention to a Town Meeting Warrant Article relating to food service permits.

This article will authorize food establishments to serve as base of operations for their food trucks.

We at Reasons to be Cheerful Ice Cream are in favor of the article. We ask you to please vote to approve the article.

At Reasons to be Cheerful Ice Cream in West Concord, a significant portion of our business involves the Chillwagon ice cream truck.

Current regulations do not allow for issuance of such a permit. The Chillwagon is forced to go out of town for said permit. 

The debate has centered around and focused on the impact on local restaurant businesses. Local restaurants would have the right to operate their own food trucks for their own benefit under this new article.

Please feel free to stop in and ask any questions you may have about the pending town warrant article. 

Philip Rosenfield. proprietor

Reasons to be Cheerful Ice Cream