
Middle School project breaks ground

By Thomas Lucey Office of the superintendent
May 18, 2023

Members of the Concord Middle School Building Committee (CMSBC) received good news when they opened the bids from general contractors for the new middle school building project this past week. 

Two of the three bids from general contracting firms were within budget and extremely close in dollar amounts which added a sense that the bids reflected realistic pricing for the project. 

Following the Special Town Meeting and vote earlier this year, the construction budget for the project was $87,420,207. Bids were returned from CTA Construction Managers at $85,175,000 and Brait Builders Corporation at $85,790,000. Having two firms with bids that are under budget is positive because it provides the CMSBC with cost and budget security if the low bidder choses to withdraw prior to starting the project.

At the conclusion of their bid and budget reviews, the CMSBC voted to recommend awarding CTA Construction Managers as the general contractor for the middle school building project. 

That recommendation was forwarded to the Concord Town Manager, Kerry Lafleur, who will lead negotiations to enter a contract with CTA for the project.

CMSBC members held a groundbreaking ceremony on Wednesday, May 17, at 6 p.m. at the Sanborn Middle School, the site of the new middle school building. 

Members invited all residents to attend and help celebrate the project’s process. The ceremony featured participation from current middle school students including students who serve on the Student Middle School Building Project Committee and a student music performance.

Upcoming Meetings and Events

CMSBC Meeting: Thursday, May 25, 7:30 a.m. on Zoom

Agendas and zoom links can be found on both the Town of Concord’s website and the CMSBC website
at https://www.cmsbuildingproject.org/meeting-agendas-minutes.

Concord Middle School Building Committee Contact Information
Interested individuals can find all relevant materials regarding the Concord Middle School Building Committee including meeting dates, agendas, and minutes as well as reports that led to the Town Meeting Warrant Articles at www.cmsbuildingproject.org. For questions and comments, individuals can email the Committee at [email protected] or utilize the form on the web page, www.cmsbuildingproject.org.