Letter: Unbalanced coverage of school budget debate

May 19, 2023

I am writing in response to the May 11 article titled “FinCom plan to rein in school budget decline.” The article mostly featured comments from Finance Committee member and guideline subcommittee Chairman Parashar Patel, regurgitating the points made in his presentation at Town Meeting.

I would have liked to see a more balanced article about the school budget debate. I am sure Superintendent Hunter or School Committee leadership would have been happy to offer thoughts in response to Mr. Patel’s comments. They could have also shared points from the compelling presentation by Dr. Hunter on the Concord Public Schools budget that was approved by an overwhelming majority of voters at Town Meeting following a period of public comment where every speaker spoke against the Finance Committee’s attempt to cut the budget.

I am also concerned whether Mr. Patel’s comments on the school budget represent the official stance of the Finance Committee. Many of the members supported the budget proposed by Dr. Hunter and the School Committee in their votes. Bridge coverage that amplifies Mr. Patel’s stance disregards the majority of Concord citizens who voted twice in the last six months to allocate funding for schools. Concordians support education, respect Dr. Hunter’s leadership and have confidence in her management of school finances. I would like to see the Finance Committee’s actions reflect this and the Concord Bridge’s articles be more balanced in the future.  

Yumi Yasutake Suarez

Oxbow Road