Volunteers ramp up for Concord 250

September 7, 2023

By Jim Sherblom  

When your graphic design needs to capture past, present and future — while refreshing old concepts with 21st century style — who will you call? In Concord, it’s Priscilla White Sturges, whom friends and family refer to as a “serial volunteer.”   

Sturges grew up in Concord, left for college and a career in graphic design, and returned in 1984, newly wed to her husband, Howard. They bought a house and put down roots, with their two children attending Concord schools. After 19 years working with design agencies, Sturges launched her own company, Waterman Design, in 1996. 

Sturges has volunteered in Concord for nearly 40 years.  

She first led the Concord Children’s Center in finding its identity. Then she worked with Concord-Carlisle Patrons of Performing Students, providing graphics for events and playbills, and helped The Umbrella Arts Center reposition itself. She rebranded The Scholarship Fund of Concord and Carlisle in recognition of its 50th anniversary and went on to work with six other area nonprofits.   

During the chaos of COVID, at the request of John Boynton and Jennifer Schunemann, she designed the “Concord Together” logo to support local businesses. When Concord250 needed to find its identity, Sturges once again generously stepped up to volunteer her design services. 

The Communications/Marketing sub-committee of Concord250 sought to honor defending democracy with something less militaristic than the Minute Man statue, remembering what happened at the North Bridge in 1775 while connecting to Concord in 2025, and reminding visitors Concord remains revolutionary in every generation.  The design is the result of Sturges and a dedicated task force trying to find a simple image that captures our complex hopes — as is our slogan, “Still Heard Round the World.”  

For nearly 400 years, Concord has relied upon volunteers to celebrate and defend our democracy.  

In the 17th century, that could mean drilling annually with Concord’s unpaid militia. In the 18th century, that could mean serving on a Committee of Correspondence or as a Son of Liberty.  By the 19th century, that might mean joining the Temperance Society, Social Circle, Masons, Female Antislavery Society or Abolitionists. In the 20th century, Concord’s religious and charitable organizations led in volunteering to keep Concord the spirited town we have always cherished. 

You can volunteer to help bring Concord’s history to life. As Concord prepares to celebrate the 2025 250th anniversary of the Battle at North Bridge, followed by the 2035 400th anniversary of Concord’s founding, our historical understanding and celebrations are still driven by talented volunteers.  If you have talent or energy to share, please volunteer at [email protected] or by contacting any member of the Concord250 committee and help Concord still be heard round the world.