Letter: Warner’s Pond is a great resource

September 29, 2023

You can learn a lot reading the Letters to the Editor in The Bridge. Paul Jameson wrote in the September 22 edition that people “seem to enjoy freely flowing streams much more than still water.” I never knew that. I would love to see the source for that. He is all for draining Warner’s Pond because it would cost too much to dredge it — this after we overspent on the middle school and evidently don’t have money left for projects like this. 

Warner’s Pond is a great resource for fishing and ice skating. You can swim in polluted Walden Pond. The town has ignored Warner’s Pond for years because, of course, it is located in West Concord and folks in Concord Center didn’t know it existed. We should dredge Warner’s Pond; it is a great resource. 

Tom Kennedy 

Brook Trail Road