Letter: Library flowers for 150th anniversary were a group effort 

October 22, 2023

Your article on the Concord Free Public Library’s 150th anniversary celebration mentioned the flowers lining the walkway. As you described, the flowers were fashioned after those at the original dedication. 

The Garden Club of Concord would like to recognize the community-supported effort of those people who created the floral decorations, including the spectacular doorway floral design. The group, which worked with the library leaders, was led by Jeanne Hamilton. 

We would like to recognize the following people for their help with the design and the installation process: Stephanie Haims, Olivia Paulek, and Bean Nardi. 

We’d also like to express our gratitude to those who so generously donated flowers and plant material from their gardens for the project: 

Maureen Ruettgers. Julia Farwell-Clay, Betsy Swain, Serena Crosina, Dominic Ingegneri, Erica Taylor, Stephanie Haims, Olivia Paulek, and Bean Nardi. 

Lauren Huyett, President 

Garden Club of Concord