Letter: Transparency and engagement needed 

October 29, 2023

I am delighted that Concord now boasts a true community news source in The Bridge. A September article shed light on a Select Board-passed real estate tax policy that had escaped my attention.  This new real estate “exemption” is not a means-based program, which Concord already has, but rather redistributes the town’s growing expenses to higher-valued homes.  

According to a Select Board meeting, this policy will provide one-third of homeowners with a significant decrease, another third with a decrease, and the remaining third with an increase in real estate taxes. It appears the new middle school’s cost instigated this policy without extensive communication or community input. Consequently, a third of homeowners will shoulder the financial burden of the new middle school, despite widespread support at Town Meeting, where attendees likely represented homes of all values.   

Citizens deserve transparent and comprehensive information, and The Concord Bridge merits praise for reporting on this new tax policy. It is crucial to ensure transparency and engagement in decisions that impact all residents’ financial well-being. 

Breht Feigh 

Spencer Brook Road