Letter: Walk Against Hate Rally 

October 29, 2023

I had the distinct privilege of participating in the Walk Against Hate in Acton on October 15. Religious, educational and civic leaders planned and executed the inspiring two-hour event. An estimated 600 people walked the 0ne-mile route from the high school to a nearby field. 

Moving statements by state Sen. Jamie Eldridge and state Rep. Simon Cataldo bookended the event and several rabbis and a minister spoke of local hate behavior in Acton. Two students sang.   

With the sad news of student behavior at the Concord Middle School a week ago, I hope Concord leaders consider a similar event in our town.  

No one can assume that hate and prejudice don’t exist here; we can only work to reinforce and reinvigorate the values and behaviors of a nurturing and equitable town. 

Janet Furey 

Conant Street