Letter: Not improving Concord cell coverage is poor policy 

November 5, 2023

Poor cell coverage was frustrating and annoying when we moved to Concord 17 years ago. It’s irresponsible and inexplicably bad policy now. 

By choosing not to be part of the 99.9% of U.S. population (and 94% of global population) with access to cell coverage, I offer examples of the impact of that decision on one family from a standpoint of safety, economics and everyday life. 

While driving to a meeting, I received a desperate call from someone contemplating suicide. At a crucial point of the conversation, I lost connection while driving through Concord Center. They did not answer when I was finally able to call back. Imagine my panic. The everyday safety concern of letting our daughters go downtown when they were young was a calculated risk in communication for emergencies, pickup details, changes in plans, etc. 

Every commute through Concord Center means a dropped call, now a standard joke with employees and customers. I no longer have coffee or lunch meetings in town because it’s hard to stay in touch with my team or know when someone is late or has to change their plans. 

Concord is especially quaint and charming. We would love for town center to be a daily part of our lives far more than it is. Life is connected by technology, and it’s incredibly frustrating when every trip to the post office, bank or a local business is a struggle in missed calls, unsent messages, lost contact, inability to search business hours and phone numbers, and waiting until you’re safely out of town to get directions to your next appointment. 

When last week’s listening session revealed outdated restrictions in a 30-year-old bylaw prevent Concord from joining the developed world, three painfully obvious words leapt to mind: “Change the Bylaw.” 

Jeff Bruce 

Lindsay Pond Road