Letter: West Concord Depot shows importance of restoration 

November 11, 2023

Having reviewed the documentation, by Carol Dwyer, of the opening of the West Concord depot in 1989 (available on YouTube – West Concord Depot Opening Celebration 1989) I was impressed and moved by four important issues that the ceremony identified: 

1. The very important progress that can be achieved by citizens with the cooperation of local and state officials. The hard work, diligence, and persistence of West Concord citizens with the critical assistance of both state and local officials brought to fruition a project that improved the lives of many of its citizens and brought to life an important element of what was and is West Concord. 

2. The clearly understood need for the expansion of commuter transit services not only to improve the congestion on the roads into as well as the traffic in Boston. 

3. The dramatic improvement to the lives of commuters in and around Boston. For the first time in many, many years passengers would be able to avoid the extremes of weather by sitting in the comfort of the depot. In addition, passengers, particularly the elderly and disabled would be able to sit while awaiting their trains. 

4. The West Concord depot was and is a key element in not only the history but the current character of the town. Its history was cited by officials from the MBTA as well as relatives of those who were involved in the functioning of the depot over 100 years ago. 

Although this project had been in the planning stages for years, the work and perseverance of all involved expedited the completion of the restoration of the depot. The collaboration of local citizens, town and state officials should be a template for those projects being contemplated that would improve the quality of life of the West Concord citizens. 

Norman Weinberg MD FACP 

Hillside Avenue