Help local families celebrate the holidays through Open Table gift bag drive

November 13, 2023

The Family-to-Family Gift Bag Drive offers community members the opportunity to create special holiday gift bags for either a local family and/or a senior who are clients of Open Table. This is the fourth year of the program. 

“This is a wonderful opportunity to make the holidays a bit brighter not only for the families who rely on Open Table, but for those who donate as well,” said Alexandra DePalo, executive director, Open Table. “For many members of the community this program is a meaningful part of their holiday season, and we are so grateful for that!” 

Participants receive a list of suggested items to fill one reusable gift bag and get daily reminders and other information from Open Table for the first 12 days of December. Items must be unwrapped as this allows Open Table to determine an appropriate recipient for each bag. 

Gift bags will be collected at 33 Main Street in Maynard on Friday, December 15, 2-6 p.m. and at 40 Beharrell Street in Concord on Saturday, December 16, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Clients will receive gift bags with the final food distribution of 2023. Please note, Open Table is unable to accept home-baked goodies for the gift bags.  

Families can use the following suggestions to create a gift bag for a family or a senior: 

Day 1:  Movie night snack (popcorn, pretzels, or chips). 

Day 2:  Special breakfast (pancake mix and syrup or scone/muffin mix). 

Day 3:  Fun activity (puzzle or board game for family or cards/game/book for senior). 

Day 4:  $25 pharmacy or Visa gift card (please place in a marked envelope). 

Day 5:  Favorite baking mix (brownies, cookies, cake) and cooking oil as needed. 

Day 6:  Moisturizer or hand cream for cold weather. 

Day 7:  Hot chocolate mix, coffee or tea. 

Day 8:  Festive kitchen towel. 

Day 9:  Favorite store-bought holiday sweets. 

Day 10: Olive oil (plastic or metal container, no glass please). 

Day 11:  Favorite spread for toast (jams, jellies, nut butters). 

Day 12:  Dried fruits and/or nuts. 

Open Table addresses hunger in the local community by providing healthy food in a welcoming environment while respecting the dignity and diversity of those served.  

If you have any questions about this program, please contact the coordinator, Carolyn Coffin, at 


Sign up to make a gift bag at: