Letter: A vote for dam removal at Warner’s Pond 

November 18, 2023

I’m a resident of West Concord, but I don’t live next to Warner’s Pond. Several of my neighbors and I love to kayak on all the different sections on the Assabet, Concord and Sudbury rivers. We’ve also kayaked on Warner’s Pond a couple times. Although it’s pretty there, the kayaking is a bit problematic. The fanwort, milfoil and water chestnut are unsightly and sometimes make paddling difficult. This year was a little better than average because we had so much rain. 

When I heard of the dam removal possibility, I was excited to think we’d be able to paddle from the Assabet to the Nashoba Brook and then on to Acton. It’s exciting too to think there would be shad and alewife coming from the ocean to West Concord to spawn. Although it would be sad not to have as much open water, it would be a joy to have the brook cleaned of its invasives and flowing freely. The wetland marshes that would form along the banks would also be beautiful. 

So, given the choice, I would vote for dam removal. I think it would make our town even nicer than it already is. 

Mary Ann Lippert 

Cranberry Lane