Plans take shape for Concord250 

By Betsy Levinson `
November 18, 2023

When discussing plans for the 250th anniversary of the start of the American Revolution, the focus of Concord250 is, naturally, Concord. 

Gary Clayton, co-chair of the Concord250 Executive Committee, said an intermunicipal agreement has been drafted that covers joint activities and communications between Concord, Lincoln, Lexington and Arlington, with input from Minute Man National Park.  

Although most of the attention will be on the next two years, the agreement includes activities up to 2030. Clayton said the Executive Committee will present the agreement to the Select Board at its December 14 meeting.  

Permanent Memorial Plans 

Another of the myriad Concord250 subcommittees, the Permanent Memorial group, is “beginning” to flesh out two ideas for memorials. One is to plant 250 trees on public land. 

Clayton said Concord250 is applying to the Community Preservation Committee for funds for tree planting and will coordinate with the Public Works Department to identify appropriate sites for the trees. 

“It’s an important effort to honor our past,” said Clayton, “and a key element to Concord’s sustainability plans.”  

At the same time, the Permanent Memorial Subcommittee is drawing up a “conceptual design” for a “memorial gathering space” in Monument Square, Clayton said.  

“Celebrating the struggle for social justice will be the driving concept behind a new public greenspace on Monument Square, to be constructed on a currently unused parcel gifted to the town in 1900 as a commemoration of the 125th anniversary of the beginning of the American Revolution,” Clayton’s memo says. 

At a January 17, 2024 forum, the subcommittee will present its recommendation and a design for the monument/greenspace.