Concord residents vote at Town Meeting. Photo by Jennifer Lord Paluzzi

Concord residents may petition to get issues on Town Meeting Warrant 

December 7, 2023

Concordians don’t just have the option of voting on warrant articles at Town Meeting. They can also propose them.  

Registered voters can submit articles by petition for the community’s consideration.  

Articles, which are measures on which Town Meeting participants can be asked to vote, must be submitted in writing and must also include the name, address and signatures of at least 10 registered voters. (If you can collect a few extra signatures, do.) 

A town primer on drafting warrant articles suggests that for the most complex submissions, consulting a lawyer might be the best bet. The town moderator, clerk and other staff can also give some guidance. 

Draft articles for the April 29, 2024 Town Meeting are due by December 15 and can be emailed to The warrant remains open until January 3, 2024. 

Town Meeting approves the funds to run Concord’s town government and its schools, pass local bylaws, and buy and sell land and buildings, among other powers.  

For more details, visit or  

— Celeste Katz Marston