Letter: A Jericho Road Project farewell 

January 26, 2024

This is a “thank you” to the hundreds of Concordians who — as founders, leaders, volunteers and contributors — built and powered the Jericho Road Project. 

JRP, an independent nonprofit organization founded at First Parish, created a bridge between Concord and Lowell. Since 2001, nearly 250 Concordians have provided volunteer professional services valued at more than $4 million to more than 200 Lowell nonprofit organizations. Many volunteers formed strong connections and developed deep appreciation for their Lowell counterparts. 

JRP’s Concord-to-Lowell success led to expansion to Lawrence, Lynn, Worcester, Dallas and Pasadena, California. Nationwide, more than 800 volunteers have provided 50,000 hours (valued at more than $9 million) to nearly 800 nonprofit organizations. 

Last month, several dozen Jericho Road board, staff and volunteers gathered at First Parish to honor its history. Co-founder Katharine Esty described JRP’s origins; former Executive Director Dan Holin described building the bridge to Lowell; former board chair Philip vanderWilden described replicating the Concord model; and board member CC King described the Greeley Foundation’s key financial support. Co-founder/board member Eric Van Loon moderated. 

As a final legacy, JRP’s remaining resources were transferred to the Greater Lowell Community Foundation’s Racial Equity Action Fund, JRP-Lawrence (now Community InRoads), and JRP-Worcester (now ONE Worcester). The Lawrence and Worcester programs will continue pro bono support for nonprofit organizations, and GLCF will support nonprofit racial justice work. 

Thanks to all who helped create — and are continuing — this important inspiring work. 

The Jericho Road Board 

CC King, Lora Venesy, Eric Van Loon