Letter: Wendy Rovelli’s ‘collaborative problem-solving’ would boost Select Board  

February 24, 2024

I am writing in strong support of Wendy Rovelli’s candidacy for the Concord Select Board. 

I worked with Wendy when we were members of the town Finance Committee and when we were serving on the town Municipal Light Board. In both capacities, Wendy demonstrated her skills in making important decisions on the town’s behalf. She is always prepared for meetings. She always listens and meaningfully contributes but doesn’t dominate. She steps up to help when the need arises.  

On the Light Board, for example, upon request by other board members, Wendy returned to be chair after having served her term as chair because the board needed continuity and direction. Wendy doesn’t have a personal agenda. She makes decisions with integrity and based on the best interests of the town. 

Wendy’s town service and full engagement in town issues coupled with her professional background in finance and analytics give her the attributes and perspectives necessary to serve on the Select Board. In addition, Wendy is a caring, thoughtful, approachable person.  

Now, when Concord is addressing many major and sometimes divisive issues, Wendy will bring informed decision-making, collaborative problem-solving and good will to the table. I am delighted to support Wendy’s candidacy. 

Pam Hill 

Whittemore Street