Contract #3005 – Pavement Management Phase II

March 19, 2024

Contract #3005 – 2024 pavement management phase II: full depth reconstruction, and mill & overlay invitation to bid

The Town of Concord, Massachusetts, the Awarding Authority, invites sealed bids for Contract #3005 – 2024 pavement management phase II: Pavement Reconstruction & Rehabilitation in accordance with the documents prepared by Engineering Division of Concord Public Works. Sealed bids will be received until 10:00AM on April 12, 2024. Valuation for purposes of MassDOT Pre-qualification is based on the base bid, plus the accepted Add. Alternates 10 arrive at an estimated total value of all bid items. The Awarding Authority also reserves the right to extend the contracted work with additional alternates to be completed within the contract term.

An optional Pre-bid Meeting will be held at 9:00 AM on March 27, 2024, at Concord Public Works, 133
Keyes Road followed by a site walk if necessary.

The proposed transportation improvement project includes reconstruction work, reclamation, and mill and overlays on several streets in the Town of Concord MA.

The proposed work associated with the roadway reconstruction includes reclamation and mill and overlays, reconstruction of Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) / Architectural Access Board (AAB) pedestrian curb ramps, HMA driveway apron reconstruction, earth excavation, pavement marking and crosswalk re-striping, curbing, traffic sign installation, minor drainage improvements, sewer manholes casting adjustment and replacement, water gate boxes adjusting and other incidental work. The proposed work also includes supplying all the necessary traffic controls.

MassDOT pre-qualification of contractors with the class of work as, Pavement – Surfacing, for the project with an estimated value of $2,824,244.02 will be required. An award will not be made to a Contractor who is not pre-qualified by the Department prior to the opening of Proposals.

This project is being Electronically Bid (E-Bid). All bids shall be submitted online at
Hard copy bids will not be accepted by the Awarding Authority. Tutorials and instructions are available online at Bidders shall follow all requirements as described in
“Supplemental Instruction to Bidders” and “Electronic E-Bidding*documents attached herein (Appendix E). For assistance, contact Projectdog. Inc. at (978)

Bid forms and contract documents are available online at beginning March 15, 2024. Enter Project Code 860837 in the project locator box and select “Acquire Documents” to download documents. Alternatively, a free CD-ROM may be requested by contacting Projectdog – shipping & handling charges apply. All plan holders must have an active online account on to acquire documents, receive project notifications, and to submit bids electronically, Any and all addenda shall be posted online at
Each individual or firm recorded as having received the contract documents will be notified by email if and when addenda are issued. Hard copies of addenda will not be mailed or faxed to plan holders. It is the sole responsibility of the Bidder to review any and all addenda prior to the bid opening. Online Tutorials, instructions, and videos on how to complete the electronic bid documents are available online as well as in “Supplemental Instruction to Bidders” and “Electronic E-Bidding” documents attached herein
(Appendix E). For assistance, call Projectdog, Inc. at 978-499-9014 (M – F; 8:30AM – 5:00PM):
Each Bid shall be submitted in accordance with Instructions to Bidders and be accompanied by a bid security in the form of a certified, treasurer’s or cashier’s check, bid bond or cash in the amount of 5 percent (5%) of the value of the Bid. All bid proposal documents, including the bid bond shall be uploaded electronically, via the bid host, Projectdog. However, if a bidder is submitting a bid bond in the form of a certified check, it shall be in a sealed envelope marked with the contract/project number and mailed to the Town of Concord at the following address:
Project #3005
“2024 Pavement Management Phase II”
Town of Concord Public Works
Engineering Division
133 Keyes Road Concord, MA 01742

No bidder will be considered if they are indebted to the Town of Concord, Massachusetts, for any unresolved issues regarding unpaid invoices issued by the Town of Concord, or any services and materials owed to the Town of Concord.
The bidding and award of this contract will be under provisions of M.G.L. Chapter 30, Section 39M. The also a member.
She has no hesitation in addressing issues large and small to advance the tow’s goals, whether chairing a committee board or working as a regular volunteer at the Drop and Swap. Prior to retiring, she led various
Town of Concord reserves the right to reject any and all Bids or parts thereof, to waive any irregularity in the Bids received, and to accept the Bid or parts thereof deemed to be most favorable to the best interest of the Town.
Prevailing Wage Rates as determined by the Division of Occupational Safety under the provisions of M.G.L Chapter 149, Sections 26 and 27D, as amended, apply to this project. It is a responsibility of the contractor to obtain, as necessary, any pertinent information on Prevailing Wages for workers employed for the proposed work under this contract.