Cobbs for ‘strong’ School Committee updates 

March 30, 2024

I feel so happy to know that Liz Cobbs is running for the School Committee, because I know, if elected, she will bring fresh and strong updates to the committee and the school district.  

Liz’s daughter and mine attended a summer camp together. Liz’s young daughter offered to ‘babysit’ mine, so the girls had some play dates. Later my husband Ben Xia started to serve on the 250th Event Planning Committee and has been working together with Liz.  

Liz and her husband were working and living in Japan for six years and some other countries. This family is open-minded and understands diversity with their kind hearts. Liz’s two children are going to CCHS and Alcott. By raising two children herself and seeing many education systems in other countries, Liz has an outstanding view of education.  

Liz moved to Concord four years ago. The breadth and depth of her involvement in public service shows that she is good at connecting and uniting social groups and resources. Her management experiences at Merck and her Ph.D. degree in sociology will strongly support her to manage her contributions to the School Committee and to the school district.  

Yvette Fang  

Laws Brook Road