Dane is a ‘strong advocate for all of us’ 

March 30, 2024

On January 29 I had the pleasure of seconding the nomination for Henry Dane’s re-election to the Select Board. We need Henry’s knowledge of the town and his experience! Please join me in supporting Henry Dane! The following is my short seconding presentation: 

It is an honor to second the nomination of Henry Dane to a second term on the Concord Select Board. 

Henry Dane has given years of service to Concord on a multitude of boards, committees and organizations within the town. Residents that serve the town this way are a major reason Concord is the special community that it is. 

I crossed paths with Henry on several occasions professionally during my 30 years on the Concord Police Department (not in the cell block, I assure you) but in his capacity as a respected local attorney. During my professional interactions with Henry, he represented his clients zealously, always looking out for their wellbeing, and it was clear that he was a strong advocate for his clients and he worked hard with law enforcement to obtain a fair outcome. Henry was there with the police and citizens at the founding of Communities for Restorative Justice. This important initiative exists today. Henry now has around 18,000 pro bono clients that he has been a strong advocate for, those being the citizens of Concord. This has been proven by his three years as a successful, smart, honest, and ethical caring advocate for all of us in his first term on the Select Board. 

We are all fortunate to have Henry Dane on the Select Board and I urge all voters in Concord to support his bid for a second term. We will be better off for it. 

Paul Macone 

Grove Street