School Committee blocking ‘will of the people’

May 26, 2024

I was more than disturbed to hear that the School Committee had not backed down in its decision to name the new school The Concord Middle School. Those who attended the Town Meeting on April 30 voted overwhelmingly to rename the new middle school after Ellen Garrison. Many compelling reasons were offered. The School Committee, outvoted, seems to be resting on its mandate as the body with exclusive rights to name the Concord Public Schools. The will of the people, in this case, has overridden that mandate. The School Committee persists in blocking the will of the people. No reasons given.  

Is this about stubbornness? Or is it something more insidious? Is the School Committee saying, without actually saying it, “Let’s keep Concord White?” Has Concord become a microcosm reflecting deep prejudices running through the country at large? Time for the School Committee to answer some questions. How did each member vote on this issue?  What are the specific reasons  to not  name the new school after Ellen Garrison? I believe those who voted at Town Meeting on April 30, 2024, are entitled to answers now. Democracy dies in darkness. It is happening. Let it not happen in this historic town.

Maude Bigelow

Barrett’s Mill Road