Nicole Celi shows off the icy remains of Monday afternoon's furious hailstorm. Photo courtesy of Gina Celi

Photos: A hail of a summer storm!

July 1, 2024

When hail started pummeling town this afternoon, Concordians busted out their cameras to capture the chaos. Thanks for responding to our call for pictures! Here’s how you saw the moment… which sure didn’t look like the typical first day of July.

What month is this, anyway? Photo courtesy of Gina Celi
Whose turn is it to shovel? Photo courtesy of Gina Celi
Maybe not prime time for a relaxing dinner on the patio? Photo courtesy of Shannon Sweely
With hail this size, an umbrella (or a solid roof) might have been the safest bet. Photo courtesy of Shannon Sweely
That’s one way to cool down a summer day. Photo courtesy of Louisa Paushter
The scene on Jennie Dugan Road. Photo courtesy of Louisa Paushter
Not how the kitchen roof usually looks at the start of summer. Photo courtesy of Connell West Benn
The hedges outside The Concord Bridge newsroom. Photo by Celeste Katz Marston
For awhile there, it was sticking. Photo by Celeste Katz Marston
And then, in a puff of steam, it was all gone. Photo by Celeste Katz Marston