Thank you for a ‘moving and inspiring’ Pride Fest

July 12, 2024

We write to express our deep thanks to the Concord Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Commission and the many town offices and local organizations which helped organize the Concord Pride Fest. 

Seeing the small Pride flags grace the lamp posts on Main Street, watching as the big Pride flag was raised to share space with the American flag in our town center, listening to the many brave people who shared their stories, and marching together was very moving and inspiring to us. It shows what communities can do when they put love and respect first, making everyone feel welcome and appreciated. 

Thank you to all the organizers and supporters for their vision, energy, and commitment. We hope this will be the first of many celebrations — we look forward to marching again next year.

Peggy Levitt and Robert Levers

Oxbow Road