DEI chairs: School Committee fell short on middle school naming

July 26, 2024

By Andrea Foncerrada and Joe Palumbo

Co-Chairs, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Commission

Our town has been engaged in a passionate process regarding the naming of our new middle school. The recent decision by the School Committee to name it the “Ellen Garrison Building at the Concord Middle School” has prompted an official response from our commission and given the significant public interest in this issue, we want to share it:

We want to express our disappointment and concern. This decision reveals a misunderstanding of what inclusion truly means. Inclusion is about fully embracing and elevating the stories, struggles, and triumphs of those who have been historically marginalized.

We are particularly alarmed by the way the naming process was conducted. It lacked transparency and rigor, with a noticeable absence of evidence-based debate. Instead, it was marred by personal opinions and groupthink, lacking critical reasoning or evaluation of the consequences or alternatives and undermining the principles of inclusion and representation that we, as a community, strive to uphold.

Moreover, the misappropriation of the term “inclusion” by the committee is troubling. To suggest that naming the school “Concord Middle School” is inclusive of all residents, while sidestepping the specific recognition of the African American community, demonstrates a misunderstanding of what inclusion and representation entail.

The offer to name the building “The Ellen Garrison Building at Concord Middle School” has been presented as a significant compromise. However, we believe this gesture falls short of the meaningful recognition that Ellen Garrison deserves and fails to address the broader issue of representation.

Considering these concerns, we are compelled to publicly register our disapproval of both the decision and the process that led to it. It is imperative that our objections are noted on the record to ensure accountability and transparency. 

The people of Concord have a right to understand that their elected School Committee has, in our professional assessment, fallen short in interpreting and implementing their clearly expressed values. Our town voted resoundingly to fully honor Ellen Garrison, not to offer her a partial acknowledgment.

Given the outcome, we formally request full participation in the following:

1. The signage of the name on the building to ensure it truly honors Ellen Garrison and does not inadvertently offend her legacy.

2. The opportunity to speak about Ellen Garrison’s life and contributions in the naming ceremony.

3. The inclusion of narratives of underrepresented Concord voices throughout the Middle School Program.