MCI-Concord needs a makeover while we await what’s next

August 2, 2024

Let’s put some lipstick on an eyesore.

My guess is no one in Concord is lamenting the closing of the MCI prison even though for 150 years it has been a landmark as much connected with the town as some of Concord’s more positive icons. The last few prisoners have been relocated and no others will be accepted. It’s empty now, and planners are working on a transformation that will integrate the former Slough of Despond with the greater community.

All good and we can shout a collective hallelujah. My worry, though, is that during the transformation process, a period of time that could stretch as long as a decade, the ugly abandoned remnant will remain as is, a reminder that society is forced to confine public offenders behind walls and in cages.

Maybe we can do something about it immediately. Here are a few cosmetic suggestions. 

1. Take down the chain link fences around the perimeter of the facility. 

2. Remove the concertina razor wire splayed along the top of the wall. (Both will be done eventually so why not sooner?) 

3. Paint the projecting guard tower an inviting red or blue or some other pleasing combination.

4. Organize a community mural painting for the walls along Commonwealth Avenue. 

5. Invite other suggestions. 

6. Take our suggestions to elected representatives.

We’ll all feel good about it.

Jim Miara

Conant Street