A resurgence of bipartisan cooperation could start in Concord

September 20, 2024

It was so refreshing to see the Concord Republican Town Committee reaching out to the citizens of Concord with such a positive and inclusive message.

It seems that the political divide, both locally and around the country, is ever widening and the rhetoric has gotten terribly harsh. It has become utterly disheartening. However, after reading their letter to the editor last week, I have a renewed hope that the future is brighter than I had imagined.

I believe that Concord is no different than the rest of the United States in that we see ourselves as Americans first and we strive to make our community and nation better every day. Being partisan combatants is very low on the hierarchy of importance to us and to our families. This is evidenced by the fact that nearly 60 percent of us are registered as unenrolled voters (according to the Concord Republican Town Committee’s website).

I appreciate their making the effort to connect, through this newspaper, with Concordians like me. I am happy to give them a look and to judge their principles and policies on their merits. I may agree with some, all, or none of them, but I am glad to make an informed choice. It is remarkable that we might have a resurgence of bipartisan cooperation right here in Concord. I for one hope this takes root here and spreads throughout the land. It won’t be the first time that Concord led the way for great things!

Meg Gaudet
Maple Street