New trash and recycling program a ‘giant step backward’

September 20, 2024

The new curbside collection just announced is a disservice to the many Concordians who have worked hard to reduce their amount of trash and recyclables. This is one giant step backward in the town’s mission to reduce waste.

Smaller households are being penalized by having to pay for a weekly collection when we produce only enough trash and recyclables to fill a container once or twice a month.

This new system, which provides 96-gallon “toters” for single-stream recycling and 35-gallon ones for trash, may make sense for larger families, but almost a third of Concord households consist of three persons or fewer. Surely the town can better accommodate families who produce less trash by permitting fewer collection days for those who request it.

This decision seems to have been made with inadequate consultation. I hope it will be reconsidered. It is reminiscent of the meter fiasco.

Catherine Parmelee

King Lane