Concord250 Corporation funds events — and seeks donations

October 4, 2024

I was delighted to see the full-page four-color ad in the September 27 Bridge featuring the First Provincial Congress on October 11 and the high school essay contest. 

However, no mention was made that major funding for these and other events has been provided by the independent, non-profit Concord250 Corporation, which is separate from and independent of the town and its executive committee. 

To date, the corporation has raised over $120,000 and is holding pledges for at least $50,000 more. We have also derived substantial additional income from the sale of the popular commemorative coins which are available for purchase at Middlesex Savings Bank, the Colonial Inn, the Visitors Center, and Revolutionary Concord.

In addition to the events and projects mentioned above, we have provided substantial funding for the Revolutionary Travelling Trunks project, the purchase of a drum line for the CCHS marching band to enable them to participate (after many years’ absence) in the 2025 Patriots Day Parade along with (I hope) the CCHS cheerleaders. We are sponsoring the revival of the Patriots Ball to take place in the Concord Armory on Saturday, April 12, 2025, and we continue to consider support for other activities including unanticipated expenses that may be incurred at North Bridge ceremonies on April 19, logistical support for the parade, literary exercises at the Armory, funding for music commissioned for the high school band, and the publication of a souvenir program book, to mention just a few. This support is critical to running an event which will reflect credit on the town of Concord and its historical heritage because of the limited resources otherwise available.

Contributions in any amount may be made payable to Concord250 Corporation (a 501(c)3 organization) and mailed to P.O. Box 250, Concord, MA 01742.

Henry J. Dane 

President, Concord250 Corporation

Main Street