Book Review

Library Corner: Spring romance reads

May 4, 2023
In May comes thoughts of romance, at least with all the new spring books about love that appear at this time of year. This much maligned reading category has evolved so much

If you could only read 10 books from 2022

January 5, 2023
It can be exhausting to keep up with The Best Books Lists at this time of year, but there are a few new classics that shouldn’t be missed. Here are Ten Picks

The Concord Public Library Corner

November 23, 2022
Adult Programs “Conversation Circle for English Language Learners at Fowler” Tuesday, November 29, 2:30pm. Join us for a volunteer-led gathering to practice English at the Fowler Branch Library. All levels welcome, including

It’s time to snuggle up with a cozy mystery

November 23, 2022
Autumn with its mood of beautiful endings is the perfect season to read a mystery. Pondering the tireless attempts of the good to solve the endless crimes of the bad makes a

Ten Questions:

September 5, 2022
An exclusive interview in which Robert A. Gross, author of “The Transcendentalists and Their World” and the James L. and Shirley A. Draper Professor of Early American History at the University of