History - Page 6

Calling All Concord Tree-Lovers

March 16, 2023
I read with interest Peter Alden’s article about the holiday season bird count in the January 20, 2023 issue “Birders of a feather count Concord’s birds together”. I suspect many more Concordians

The Friends of Sleepy Hollow Cemetery

December 21, 2022
It may seem like a sleepy place, but it is alive with the “Friends of the Sleepy Hollow Cemetery”. The Friends is a very collaborative relationship with the town’s Cemetery Committee and

Respect all of Concord’s history

December 9, 2022
The town of Concord is all about history and how sad it is that the history of the Concord Visitor’s Center has been lost. The Concord Business Partnership and many others, including

Concord Minute Men seek new recruits

December 9, 2022
The Concord Minute Men are looking for a few good men and women to join their ranks and keep the spirit of 1775 alive as they prepare for the celebration of the

History of Warner’s Pond

December 1, 2022
Warner’s Pond is a human-made impoundment, created over 300 years ago by the damming of Nashoba Brook. Prior to Warner’s construction, Nashoba Brook flowed cool, clean, and undammed from what is now
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