Letters - Page 36

The Concord Bridge welcomes letters from readers, which can be submitted via this simple form.

Letter: Lemonade from parking meter lemons? 

January 4, 2024
Our parking meters are going away, but I’d like to suggest a positive use for some of them: let local charitable organizations “adopt” them to collect donations for their causes. It might

Letter: Restrict cell tower placement 

December 15, 2023
The FCC claims that cell tower RF radiation is safe, but its standard has not been updated since 1996. The nonprofit Environmental Health Trust (EHT) provides the latest research on radiofrequency radiation.

Letter: Select Board needs ‘serious change’ 

December 15, 2023
Recent decisions by the Select Board (SB) demonstrate the need for serious change in that body. First, is the decision to “shift” coming tax increases to “those who can afford it.” Several of us
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