henry dane - Page 10

Hanscom Field pollution and noise draws ire

May 23, 2023
Seemingly everyone agrees that the air traffic at Hanscom Field creates noise and pollution. How to measure and remediate the noise, and decrease pollution has no immediate answer. The proposed addition of

Budget for Concord250 takes shape

April 22, 2023
Plans are ramping up for the town’s 250th anniversary of the “Shot Heard ‘round the World” on April 19, 2025, according to Henry Dane, who is heading up the Concord250 committee. Where

Concord250 celebrates the life of Ellen Garrison

April 20, 2023
With a thundering voice, Catia Ramos brought the crowd inside Holy Family Parish to its feet as she read from the letters of Civil War-era heroine Ellen Garrison, a Concord-born anti-slavery activist,

Comprehensive transportation plan in the works

March 16, 2023
Transportation Advisory Committee Chair Laura Davis appeared before the Select Board on March 6. Top of mind is an upcoming comprehensive transportation and mobility study. The study is intended to dovetail with
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