Concord250 - Page 4

Volunteers ramp up for Concord 250

September 7, 2023
By Jim Sherblom When your graphic design needs to capture past, present and future — while refreshing old concepts with 21st century style — who will you call? In Concord, it’s

Select Board preps for 2025 — and its price tag

July 13, 2023
Concordians are thinking ahead to 2025’s 250th commemoration of the town’s spotlight moment in the American Revolution — and in the meantime, members of the Select Board are also keeping an eye

Budget for Concord250 takes shape

April 22, 2023
Plans are ramping up for the town’s 250th anniversary of the “Shot Heard ‘round the World” on April 19, 2025, according to Henry Dane, who is heading up the Concord250 committee. Where