Letters - Page 72

The Concord Bridge welcomes letters from readers, which can be submitted via this simple form.

Letter: We need a Plan B for middle school

February 2, 2023
I think residents deserve to see a good faith “plan B” before the middle school increased funding gets voted on in February. People are very unclear, getting contradictory answers to what is

LETTER: Disturbed by Hanscom private jet story

February 2, 2023
I’ve really enjoyed reading the Concord Bridge but was very dismayed by the January 27 edition front-page article “Private jet rentals take off at Hanscom.” This was a corporate advertisement that masqueraded as

Letter: Who are we, Concord?

January 26, 2023
A heartfelt thank you to COAR (Communities Organizing Against Racism), School DEI Director Andrew Nyamekye, and our town schools for organizing what I hope is the first of an important annual event