At its Monday meeting, the Select Board approved signage designed by the Bruce Freeman Rail Trail Advisory Committee to be placed along the trail in West Concord. Committee co-chair Nat Welch said
Almost 250 years ago, British troops marched from Boston in search of contraband arms. After killing and injuring American patriots on Lexington Green, the Royalist troops were foiled by the patriots’ decision
With the popularity of the Bruce Freeman Rail Trail bringing increased bike traffic through Junction Park, the focus remains on safety for pedestrians and cyclists. According to Nat Welch, co-chairman of the
The Concord Chamber of Commerce held their annual dinner in October, featuring something that’s been missing the past couple years due to Covid: dinner, with people! Congratulations to Jennifer Schünemann, from Discover
In an effort to highlight the beauty of the town’s war memorials before Veterans Day, Rod Riedel takes a grout knife between the cobblestones that surround the great stone obelisks and gets
At a brief meeting last week, the Select Board discussed how much money would be in the warrant article on the new Middle School. The article is among three proposed for the
To help the town carry out its ambitious climate goals, the Police Department just took delivery of a 2022 Series Y Tesla that is used for patrols. Police Chief Joe O’Connor is
You may have noticed that this is the third week that The Concord Bridge has arrived in your mailbox. We, in turn, are noticing something a little different in our inboxes —