middle school - Page 34

En Garde! Siblings with swords

July 20, 2023
Harrison and Iona Lee’s family encouraged the siblings to get involved in fencing, and now they’re following their own paths in the sport. Harrison, who’s entering the sixth grade at Concord Middle

Students’ mental health in the spotlight

June 9, 2023
Assistant Superintendent of Teaching and Learning Kristen Anderson addressed Concord’s Joint School Committee at a meeting in May for the second time in recent months to discuss what she called the most

Finance Committee plans community outreach

June 8, 2023
In an effort to better inform the public about how the Finance Committee works, a four-person Outreach Subcommittee is drawing up plans for a beefed-up webpage and other avenues of communication to

Letter: Concord’s wealth divide, redux

May 19, 2023
At Town Meeting, we discovered another outcropping of Concord’s wealth divide. To put that a bit more formally, we exposed again the putatively bimodal distribution of financial means, across town. Three months
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