middle school - Page 35

Column: Gerow Park still unfinished

May 11, 2023
Last fall, during one of many trips down Commonwealth Avenue, I noticed the town funded construction of “Gerow Park” appeared to have come to a halt. Construction vehicles and workers were nowhere

Sample of PDF Embedder Drag and Drop Failure

May 3, 2023
We are reverting to version 5.0.2 (installed) and cannot update as 5.1.3 does not put any space around PDF and jams into surrounding content. (see below)Additionally, even on 5.1.3 PDF items dragged

Live Blog: Town Meeting

April 30, 2023
5:35 p.m. Meeting is adjourned, will reopen tomorrow at 7 p.m. at CCHS. ARTICLE 23. To determine whether the Town will vote to adopt the Department ofEnergy Resources (DOER) Municipal Opt-in Specialized

Budget for Concord250 takes shape

April 22, 2023
Plans are ramping up for the town’s 250th anniversary of the “Shot Heard ‘round the World” on April 19, 2025, according to Henry Dane, who is heading up the Concord250 committee. Where

Concord Select Board talks tax exemption

April 11, 2023
The Select Board is considering two programs that they hope will alleviate some of the tax increases for the new middle school and other capital expenses. Both would mean a shift in

CCHS METCO students testify at State House

April 11, 2023
Concord-Carlisle High School students Obiageli Ifeyinwa Akubude and Autumn Mendonca spoke at the State House last month, sharing their experiences as METCO students for METCO Advocacy Day. Akubude’s speech Good Morning everyone.

CCHS Performing Arts brings home four golds 

April 10, 2023
At the Massachusetts Instrumental and Choral Conductors Association (MICCA) Concert Festival March 31, and April 1, gold symbolized not wealth in money, but rather the wealth of dedicated musicians at Concord-Carlisle High
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