where is your bridge - Page 39

Her world is her oysters

November 30, 2022
Concord woman takes on Cuttyhunk Island shellfish business Charmaine Gahan said the first time she captained a boat and crossed Buzzards Bay herself, she had a sense of trepidation. But she got

‘Protecting the birds and other wildlife… is vital’

November 22, 2022
The Friends of Brewster’s Woods want to thank The Concord Bridge for its coverage of Massachusetts Audubon Society’s planned development of this important wildlife refuge. It is particularly gratifying to see community

A Concord poet’s dispatch from Ukraine

November 22, 2022
Emmanuel (formerly Seth) Aronie, a 1964 graduate of Concord-Carlisle High School is now living in Cherkassy, Ukraine. Aronie attended Amherst College and served in the VISTA program before embracing the Subud spiritual

Disappointed in Visitors Center celebration

November 9, 2022
Dear All, I felt compelled to write in response to the recent rededication of the Concord Visitors Center. I recently went to visit my mother, Mary Johnson, and she handed me the

Issue 3 and Fall foliage

November 9, 2022
This week’s reader photo features The Concord Bridge, Issue 3, in the great outdoors. Writes Oded Benyo, “I love me some Concord Bridge on a crisp fall morning. Thank you for the

Fan mail? We have fan mail!

November 2, 2022
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I am just picking up the first edition of the Concord Bridge and I am smiling ear to ear! Thank you so much for all of your hard

Concord transplant is growing roots

October 27, 2022
I would like to thank you, your staff and fellow visionaries for the wonderful, first issue of “The Concord Bridge” I received yesterday. The photography and articles were very interesting and made