Letters - Page 68

The Concord Bridge welcomes letters from readers, which can be submitted via this simple form.

Letter: Ortner backs Reed for Select Board

February 16, 2023
It is with great pleasure that I nominated Karlen Reed to become the next member of Concord’s Select Board at the Town Caucus meeting held on January 30. Over the years Karlen

Letter: Karlen leads by listening

February 16, 2023
Concord needs Karlen Reed on our Select Board. Karlen is a collaborative problem-solver, who views Concord’s challenges from a broad lens — from the perspective of parents who care about our schools,

Letter: Focus on Concord’s needs

February 16, 2023
I have greatly appreciated the contribution of The Concord Bridge to this community. However, I was dismayed to see the article “Private jet rentals take off at Hanscom” on the front page

Letter: A new CMS supports students and teachers

February 14, 2023
One of the most wonderful attributes of Concord, is our school system, which is founded upon a committed team of teachers and staff, all of whom invest daily into the well being and

Letter: A Yes vote for CMS is a logical vote

February 14, 2023
I am voting Yes in favor of the Middle school. Consider the possible outcomes of a No vote. Some argue they would like to see state funding for the school. However, the
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